Customized Kits

Customized Kits

These kits have been customized to accomodate labs that use modified versions of 5035 soil analysis under SW-486.

Click this link for a full list of the more than 30 Custom Kit configurations created by QEC technicians.

If none of the kits on this list suit your paricular needs, QEC an create a new customization specifically for your lab.

Item# Product Description Size Unit Price
0535-0001-10 Custom High/Low 16-point Kit w/ 10mL Methanol Cust. High/Low Level sample preservation kit (5mL sodium bisulfate / 10mL methanol) 16 sample points $325.59
0535-0001-10A Custom High/Low 6-point Kit w/ 10mL Methanol Cust. High/Low Level sample preservation kit (5mL sodium bisulfate / 10mL methanol) 6 sample points $151.94
0535-0001-DI Custom High/Low 16-point Kit w/ DI Water/Methanol Cust. High/Low Level sample preservation kit (5mL organic-free DI water / 5 mL methanol) 16 sample points $328.12
0535-0001-DIA Custom High/Low 6-point Kit w/ DI Water/Methanol Cust. High/Low Level sample preservation kit (5 mL organic-free DI water / 5 mL methanol) 6 sample points $122.33